Covid-19 Support

Through such difficult times, Sandwell Youth in Action (SYIA)’s volunteers have tirelessly shown commitment to supporting young people from the Black Country. Thanks to the  financial support from  a number of partner trusts and foundations during the pandemic, the group has been able to deliver vital help to more than 100 young people who were less fortunate and vulnerable through this awful crisis. The activities carried out include (but not limited to):

  • Providing support advice on the Covid-19 i.e. using community languages of the beneficiaries (French, Swahili, Lingala, Tigrigna and Arabic). The project has provided tips to young people’s well-being whilst stuck indoors. For example, regularly check on the young people and advising them to wake up and to go to bed at their usual time, eat at usual mealtimes. Help them to do things that help their mind and body need such as exercise, healthy eating, etc. Limit time following the news on TV and on social media to reduce worry and stress.
  • Practical help i.e. the project helped the young people to stay connected with peers via zoom conference meetings and by telephone as well as by social media and video calling.
  •  Deliver food i.e. during social distancing and isolation, project volunteers have helped disadvantaged young people on low income with their shopping and other essentials (giving access to food, toiletries and basic necessities).
  • Deliver medicine i.e. Volunteers have connected with pharmacies to collect medications for the young people who were poorly  during lockdown.
  • Day to day essentials i.e. regular contacts were kept using telephone, social media, to address any concern by the young people. For example, volunteers have liaised with housing providers, utility companies and other administrative bodies to address numerous concerns that the young people have raised while in lock-down.

This project has been funded by:

Our sincerest gratitude goes to the National Lottery Community Fund’s Coronavirus Resilience Fund, Comic Relief, Heart of England Community Foundation and The Clothworkers’ Foundation for your valuable support during the crisis. Without your financial assistance, this emergency appeal to support the most vulnerable people in our community would not take place (provision of in-kind assistance e.g. food supplies, buy and send food to young people in need, find first necessity hygiene products for girls and young mothers, purchase of digital and communication equipment). Your kind support has been detrimental during this difficult time for the young people refugees from the Black country:

  • If we weren’t able to provide this support, we would have assisted to catastrophic situations whereby vulnerable young people from the refugee community would not have access to nutritious food, sanitary products and get their medications delivered to them.


Our success is built on the successes of the people that use our services. Read what some of our service users say about the support they receive from SYIA.

LEA, 23

During lockdown, I felt alone but the charity Sandwell Youth in Action had my back when I needed them most and I was in a happier place thanks to the kindness they showed me.

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My name is Delilah Walsh, I am a volunteer at Sandwell Youth in Action (SYIA). I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our funders (small and big) through this Covid-19 pandemic.

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When coronavirus hit the UK back in March, we were determined that it would not stop us working. We immediately sprung into action to redevelop the Covid-19 information and support sessions so that they could be delivered virtually.

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