Where youth share their stories, practice leadership and create change in their community and in their lives...
Sandwell Youth in Action (SYIA) is a charitable organization which started on 27th March 2017 and entered on the Register of Charities for England and Wales on 15th April 2019. It is a local organisation of young people who fight to make Sandwell a better place. The organisation aims to give young people from the deprived wards of the Borough equal opportunities in life regardless of personal circumstances. It is a project for the youth and by the youth. It is local in its work intervention and is dedicated to imparting knowledge, skills and awareness amongst the most vulnerable young people in the community with an emphasis on improving educational skills, employment generation, looking after destitute, empowering young women, drug de-addiction, witness protection and awareness about environment and hygiene.

The group provides advice, support and training to disadvantaged young people and children from Sandwell area, Birmingham, Walsall, Dudley and Wolverhampton. It delivers a range of services to improving safety, access to justice and well-being of young people and children in Sandwell and helps detached young people through education, accommodation, and support as well as supporting young people who face barriers to work.