SYIA works with over 100 young people a year in Smethwick, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council to promote fun, learning, action and change, within young people, our workers and the communities in which we live and work.

We do this through spending time out on the streets in our community every day, meeting, listening to and talking with young people and developing further activities together, such as trips, residentials, projects, workshops, learning, volunteering and community action.

We are a community-based voluntary sector project, established in 2017, specialising in street-based ‘detached’ youth work with young people often labelled hard-to-reach.

We believe all young people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and that each young person can love, think, create, reflect, enjoy, achieve and make a positive difference to their world.

Charitable Objects

As a Registered Charity, No.: 1182971, we have a governing document (a constitution), agreed with the Charity Commission, which sets out our Charitable Aims (known as ‘Objects’) and how we are governed. 

The Charity’s objects (“the objects”) are as follows:

“ To advance in life and relieve the needs of BME young people in particular, but not exclusively BME young people, living in Sandwell and the West Midlands through:

(a) The provision of recreational and leisure time activities provided in the interests of social welfare, designed to improve the conditions of life;

(b) Providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals”.


The organization has a General Assembly consisting of founding members and other members who have joined the association after its establishment to oversee and deal with all policy issues. It has also a managing board (management committee) of 5 members to decide on major administrative matters and oversee major developments and guide its operations. The Management Committee consists of a Chairperson to deal and execute day-to-day administrative and managerial matters, a Vice-chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer and committee member.

The Management Committee is entrusted with the main task of overseeing and implementing decisions passed by the General Assembly. They also manage the day-to-day activities and operations of the organisation with the help of 4 volunteers.


To see a health, age and race balanced, prosperous and productive society that lives in a conducive environment.


The organization envisions to provide the skill & knowledge to the under privilege Strata of the society so that they can recognize and use the resources around them for their holistic empowerment.

General Objective

To identify, tap and optimally harness the potential of the under-privileged classes of the society in such a way as to strike a judicious balance between their own quality of life as well as towards their meaningful contribution to the society/nation.